Really insightful article! Well written. We just need to find the right new salt law to break.

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Some elections have been effective protests: Reproductive Rights in Kansas and Pennsylvania; the unfortunate amendment to IL Constitution that reduced the size of the IL House and changed the method of electing House members; the recall elections that enabled Arnold S. to become Governor of CA. Perhaps a tightly drawn recall process should be added to the U.S. Constitution.

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Yes. In many ways the ballot box is the ultimate protest.

Doug Kane

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This piece, as usual, is right on! Thank you! All too often groups wanting change have been their own worse enemies by turning off potential supporters. I was proud and a bit surprised at how fast Minnesota same sex marriage supporters were able to get the laws passed by talking to people 1:1 in friendly personal ways. Complaining and attacking might make me feel better by letting off steam BUT then I would be my own worse enemy.

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