This is one of your best columns Doug. Thank you. Obviously, religion has an important place in the mind and hearts of humans throughout the world and has for centuries. Sadly too many of us humans have often and for far too long continued to attack others who do not share our beliefs and attempt to force them to follow our beliefs and religious practices. Power hungry humans seeking to control and gain power and money have used religion all too often over hour human history to attack, harm and kill other humans.

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I love the lyrics (with apologies and kudos to Depeche Mode) ‘Your own personal Jesus, someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares’. Avoiding the Machiavellian hierarchy of man and the egos of those within it, a personal Jesus allows each their own vision. Jesus and his initial followers presented an initial set of guidelines and man promptly changed them to hoard power, control, and money. A Holy Irony.

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